Q: How many Jewish mothers does it take the change a light bulb? 
 A: (Sigh) Don't bother, I'll sit in the dark, I don't want to be a nuisance to anybody . . .

HAS life gotten boring lately? Are you eating the same Shabbat (SHABBOS for those of you who prefer) meals over and over again? Fear not fellow Jews (and non-Jews, that’s cool too), from time to time I will feature some creative meals for your SHAB  table that will be firstly tasty and hopefully healthy as well (My husband lost over 40 pounds by just eating what I make him, has not complained once).

WARNING: If you are a carnivore, I cannot promise much. I do not eat it, and will not waste your time writing about it. If you are however interested in why meat and Judaism do not always mix, you can click here: .

SOMETIMES you got to just get away. I get. As a self-proclaimed world traveler, I am happy to share some of my journeys and stops along the way with you. If you go anywhere cool, you will let me know and we will add your travels to the page. Kosher? We will get to that too. With some good ideas will be ready to get outta here.

CRAFTY: skillful or clever. I can get a little crafty. I will be sure to share my latest projects and I hope you will do the same.

WORLD events and everything else Israel and Jewish will be here too.

MY DISCLAIMER: Joining the blog bandwagon, I am not entirely sure  a) if what I am doing is right b) if how I am doing it is right and c) whether or not it will make any type of impact amongst the millions (maybe billions? trillions?) of blogs out there in cyber space.

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